

3940 Uppsatser om Market index - Sida 1 av 263

Indexeffekten : En studie gjord på Nasdaq OMXS30 och OMXH25

AbstractMaster thesis in Business Administration, School of Business and Economics at Linneaus UniversityAuthors: Patrik Larsson and Pontus GislénSupervisor: Håkan LockingExaminer: Sven-Olof CollinTitle: The index effect- a study on Nasdaq OMXS30 and OMXH25Introduction: A significant part of the financial literature is based on the Efficient Market Hypothesis which assumes that prices in the market reflects all available information. Anomalies, such as the index effect, indicate weaknesses in this theory as it has been proved that it is possible to outperform the market using public information. Hence, the index effect can be linked to market efficiency which makes it interesting to study from a theoretical perspective. The mapping of the index effect is also interesting from a practical perspective, as it leads to a better understanding of whether investors and firms should take this anomaly into account.Problem: Is there an index effect, how does it behave and what can explain this effect?Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate the index effect.

Aktieindexobligationer : Småspararens Livbåt på Vägen mot Djupt Vatten?

The main purpose of the essay was to evaluate whether investments in index-linked bonds were suitable investments for smaller investors on the international finance market. To determine whether the index-linked bonds are good investments, the variables yield, cost and risk were used to measure the index-linked bonds against investments in stocks and funds. The reason for the interest in this subject is that investments in index-linked bonds have grown furiously the last few years. With the growth of the investments the criticism of index-linked bonds has also grown stronger. The critics? main point is the cost of the product, and they imply that investors can create their own index-linked bond and thereby avoid the bank fees.This study used a quantitative approach, because all the data of yield, cost and risk consist of numbers.

Finansiella Illusioner : ett test av Stockholmsbörsens effektivitet

Background: Low Price-Earnings ratio, low Book-to market ratio and low stock prices can give the impression that a stock is ?cheap?. Is it through systematic use of these portfolio strategies possible to beat the Market index ? in other words does financial illusions exist? Purpose: To examine if the Stockholm Stock Exchange is an efficient market. Limitations: The efficiency is tested solely through the chosen portfolio strategies: low Price-Earnings ratio, low Book-to-market ratio and low stock prices.

Företags motiv till finansiering med realränteobligationer

The long-term external financing of a corporation is satisfied through the bond market where issues of index-linked bonds, which are discussed in this thesis, is one alternative. (Finnerty&Emery 2001) An index- linked bond is a debt instrument where the investor is guaranteed the principal and premium amount in real terms. As the bonds cash flows are indexed to the inflation this implies that the issuer of an index-linked bond assumes an inflation risk. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe and examine corporate motives for choosing index-linked bonds as way of financing their business. Realization: Primary data was collected through interviews with corporate issuers of non-swapped index-linked bonds.

Derivatinstrument för prisriskfördelning på villafastigheter. - En undersökning av förutsättningarna på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden.

This paper is concerned with surveying the possibilities of implementing a futures market based on the valuation of non-commercial real estate in Sweden. We base our survey on a theoretical speculation of how such a market would operate and what instrument would best suit the marketplace. After reaching our solution we survey key experts to receive their feedback on our suggested solution. Their feedback includes, who are potential operators on this market and their motives, possible effects of such a market on the real estate market and other aspects of society..

Price transmission dynamics of Chinese ADRs listed on the NYSE

Purpose: This study aims to examine the price transmission among ADRs (American Depositary Receipts) and their underlying shares, US Market index and Hong Kong Market index. We will attempt to capture how a shock in the home market is transmitted to the foreign (and vice versa). In addition we will attempt to assess the relative weight of each variable in the system generating unexpected variations of its own and other variables and at what speed the shocks are absorbed.Methodology: ADF unit root test, Johansen?s co-integration test, Granger causality test, VECM, impulse response, variance decomposition Empirical foundation: Five Chinese ADRs listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Each ADR represents a specific industry.

Empirisk undersökning av aktieindexobligationer : Till vilken grad tar innehavaren del av underliggande index avkastning?

The purpose of this essay is to evaluate stock index bonds return to risk ratio in order to investigate to which degree an investor in a stock index bond take part of the underlying index return and what the investor must pay for the security of not losing his funds. In order to carry out this evaluation an average return per year and the Sharpe ratio will be calculated and a mean- standard deviation analysis will be made. All investigated stock index bonds are based on a Swedish underlying asset.The results show that the stock index bonds haven?t generated a higher risk adjusted return than its underlying asset. The stock index bonds took part of 57 % of the underlying assets return, and the loss of 10 percentage points per year for the stock index bonds compared to its underlying asset can be seen as the cost for the guarantee a stock index bond gives..

Redogörelse av marknadsstyrka på den svenska elmarknaden

Denna uppsats syfte är att förklara den svenska elmarknadens konkurrenssituation med Lerner index och Herfindahl index. Genom att estimera priselasticiteten med en ekonometrisk modell som logaritmerats kunde dess värde skattas fram. Vidare har denna elasticitet använts för att skatta fram Lerner index. Avslutningsvis har ett Herfindahl index beräknats för att mäta marknadens koncentration. Resultatet från empirin visar existens av marknadsstyrka på elmarknaden och att den är oligopolistisk..

Sambandet mellan aktiens omsättningsvolym och avkastning

Syfte/Purpose Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka sambandet mellan aktiens omsättningsvolym och dess avkastning under olika marknadsförutsättningar./The purpose with this essay is to observe the correlation between the stock turnover volume and the return under different situations on the market. Metod/Method Den metod som jag har använt mig av är en kvantitativ undersökning. Genom att utföra en kvantitativ undersökning har jag gjort det möjligt att undersöka ett stort antal aktier. Jag har jämfört utvecklingen av 60 stycken, slumpmässigt utvalda, aktier vid både en positiv samt negativ trend av index./The method that I have used is a quantitative study. By execute a quantitative investigation I have been able to study a large amount of different stocks.

Return Behavior of Initial Public Offerings and Market Efficiency

This paper is an event study on Initial Public Offering?s return behavior after the dot com bubble. Cumulative Abnormal Returns are used to measure the performance against a Market index. The results suggest that the market correctly prices IPOs in the long run thus upholding the Market Efficiency hypothesis. Moreover, value weighted CARs show that large IPOs are more likely to outperform smaller IPOs, however in the long run there is an unpredictable pattern.

Hur påverkas aktiemarknaden av räntan, valuta- och obligationsmarknaden? : En empirisk studie under perioden 2005-2009

Introduction: Interplay between all the different subsystems of the financial markets is currently considered as an important internal force in the market. In a financially liberalized economy exchange rate stability is a basis for a wellbeing stock market. If these interactions between all the different subsystems of the financial markets are not detected, this means that there is information inefficiency in the markets.Problem: Can we find any correlation between changes in currency, interest rate and bonds with the stock Market index? If so, how do these changes affect the Stockholm Stock Exchange?Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine if there is any linkage between the interest rate, currency and bonds with the stock market. The researchers wanted to find out how these variables affect the stock Market index OMX S30 which consists of the 30 largest companies on the Stockholm Stock Exchange.Method: This research has been based on a quantitative approach.

Sambandet mellan aktiens omsättningsvolym och avkastning

Syfte/Purpose Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka sambandet mellan aktiens omsättningsvolym och dess avkastning under olika marknadsförutsättningar./The purpose with this essay is to observe the correlation between the stock turnover volume and the return under different situations on the market. Metod/Method Den metod som jag har använt mig av är en kvantitativ undersökning. Genom att utföra en kvantitativ undersökning har jag gjort det möjligt att undersöka ett stort antal aktier. Jag har jämfört utvecklingen av 60 stycken, slumpmässigt utvalda, aktier vid både en positiv samt negativ trend av index./The method that I have used is a quantitative study. By execute a quantitative investigation I have been able to study a large amount of different stocks.

Vikten av ett oviktat index

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka ett oviktat index relevans som jämförelsemått för aktivt förvaltade fonders avkastning och förvaltares förmåga att hitta vinnaraktier. Arbetet använder sig av en kvantitativ metod för framtagning av ett oviktat index (SUWX 100) som inkluderar de 100 största företagen på Stockholmsbörsen. Analysen av kvantitativa data är av induktiv karaktär, och använder sig av de Sverigefonder som finns i PPM-systemet för att dra slutsatser kring det oviktade indexet som jämförelsemått. Vår slutsats är att det finns aspekter av ett oviktat index som gör det användbart som jämförelsemått för Sverigefonder..

Alternativa index - En studie av mean-variance-effektiviteten hos index baserade på fundamentalvärde kontra börsvärde

Finansiella index är viktade genomsnitt av olika tillgångars avkastning från en bestämd tidpunkt. Traditionella index är börsvärdeviktade. Problemet med denna typ av index är att börsvärdet tidvis kraftigt kan överdrivas på grund av spekulation. Alternativa index bygger på företags fundamentalvärden. De viktas därmed efter företags faktiska redovisade siffror i balans- och resultaträkningar.

Hedgefonder : En empirisk studie om olika hedgefondstrategier och deras påverkan på avkastning

Investment in hedge funds is a relatively new phenomenon for investors compared with other forms of savings. In recent years, the interest has increased among investors in investing their money in hedge funds, given the protection against declines in the market they are aiming for. Their main purpose is to generate a high return at a low risk regardless of market trends. This they can achieve by having fewer restrictions that offer more flexible investment strategies and freer investment opportunities.The purpose of this paper is to identify how the selected hedge fund strategies have performed during the recent economic downturn. We also want to clarify the claim that hedge funds exhibit a positive absolute return regardless of what the market is performing.In order to answer the purpose of the essay and its problems, we have used a quantitative method with a deductive approach in the processing of data.

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